How Does Delta 8 Compare to CBD?

What does the science say Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC?

From a molecular perspective, Delta 9 THC and Delta 8 aren’t that different. Except for that, a particular chemical bond appears on the eighth carbon — instead of the ninth. Dr. Peter Grinspoon, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School, estimates Delta-8 “has a portion but not all of the psychoactivity as Delta 9,” which is the majority opinion in the cannabis industry. People often report that due to its reduced potency, Delta 8 provides them with a smoother, milder high that is less sedative and more functional than Delta 9.

What’s the deal with CB1, CB2, Delta 8, and Delta 9?

Why? Much like CBD, Delta 8 THC binds with the CB1 receptors in the central nervous system and CB2 receptors in the immune system, whereas Delta 9 THC binds primarily with only CB1 receptors and therefore has much stronger psychoactive properties.

What does this mean for me?

In many ways, Delta-8 is the bridge between the hemp industry and the cannabis industry as it can be used recreationally, not just medicinally. It gives a little oomph for those where CBD just isn’t enough but doesn’t produce the brain fog and laziness as Delta-9.

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